talked till 12+ yesterday night...

intended to talk longer,but the other party had to hang up unexpectedly,for fear of being scolded.

i thought the she was trying to hint that she wants to wasnt that,since she fell asleep only at 1+++am.



i tried doing my chemistry work,but i got quite sad doing it.and i was telling someone why i am so sad,when she started telling me shes not feeling.OMG.SOUNDS SO CRAZY.but hell,shes crazy anyway.

so.i told her about dr william tan.and i managed to make her fast. :D

then she was telling me how nice my facebook picture was,and how i posted 3 of the same help me remove 2.i commented that shes a facebook pro.HOHOHOHO.

oh yea.then we were talking about ervin and his stead.and woah,she realised how much she loved them.thanks to me.XD

i have decided,should i ever want to be well known,i shall ask ervin for help.

and i complimented on how vulgar she is.and she doesnt agree.she thinks shes quite cultured alrights. o.o



and and,i just realised how easy it is to make me think about horny stuff.

she was talking about making a point my licking by finger.but somehow..i was thinking about licking other stuff.

tsktsk.and i always brag about how pure and innocent i am.contradictive huh.tsktsk.

that shall be all,for now.



 written by...

obviously not pj.






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